Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tametna n umenzu

By Mohamed Salah Ounissi

I believe the publisher is H.C.A, Haut Commissariat à l'Amazighité, but I'm not sure.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shawi, metta lehwal n'nek?

I heard that Med Salah Ounissi has a several new publications. Another new book titled :Aksel d' Dihya. But it's hard to find the references on the internet. The problem is: does really the HCA has a website? What's the URL then?
If you can help. That will be sublime.

a secret admirer of you


shawi yegguma said...

Hi, metta hallid',

Yes, Mr Ounissi has new published materials, but I'm not aware of the title you mentioned.

The HCA published a series of publications. The title of the series is idlisen-nnegh. I believe Tametna n umenzu is one of the publications.

Yes, the HCA has a site, but I'm not sure if it is functioning. Here is their URL

Also, I'm happy to announce that a site for M S Ounissi is in the process of being developed. I will talk about it another time.

Qim d'i lehna.

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