© 2006-2012 Awal_nu_Shawi
Tashawit(hchawit)is a variety of the Berber language(a branch of the Afro-Asiatic family). It is spoken by Ishawiyen, the Berbers of Eastern Algeria. Our aim is to provide a free platform for the discussion and dissemination of ideas related to Tashawit. We seek to expose the beauty of shawi words and explore their creative dimensions in poetry, prose and music. We believe that AWAL, the word is the gate of cultural heritage, and that writing is the key to its permanence.
Posted by
shawi yegguma
4:15 PM
Labels: Algeria, Anthony Wilkin, Aures, Bib, Bouzina, David Randall-MacIver, hchawit, Ishawiyen, Tashawit
Hi Shawi,
thanks for this detailled shawi vocab.
I think the name of the plought in tashawit is thimassin or Imassen.
According to E. Laoust book, only the Aures and the middle Atlas(Morroco) kept this original name.
Is that true?
Hi there, amk hallid',
>I think the name of the plough in tashawit is thimassin or Imassen.
I'm not familiar the words. If you have the book, can you give us the exact quote?
As you can see, the authors used the word muharrath, derived from Arabic. I know d'i hmura nnegh we use 2 words : Tyuga and lfix.
Tyuga/hyuga : traditional plough
lfix : a more advanced plough.
Thanks for your input!
H Shawi,
The title of the book is: Mots et choses Berberes(awalen d tghawsawin) By Emile Laoust.
I don't have access to it right now to give the exact quote.
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